Who We Are

We are a group of local Catholic parents and educators who have become very concerned about the state of education in Louisiana and indeed the country. We have noticed the increasing percentage of Catholic youth leaving the faith.

Why did we see a need for a Chesterton Academy of St. John Fisher

As we looked for alternatives to the public education system on the western side of the diocese, especially at the high school level, there were no good answers. With much prayer and discernment we were led to the Chesterton Schools Network. We feel this is a wonderful solution to the problem we saw in education. This will provide a Christ centered classical education, focused on Christian virtues in the development of Catholic youth.

The benefits of a Joyful Catholic Classical Education

Students will receive an education that focuses on becoming joyful, faithful Catholic adults to help evangelize our society. Classical education can be described as the cultivation of wisdom and virtue through meditation on the good, the true, and the beautiful. Chesterton’s integrated, classical curriculum combines a broad, liberal arts education with a strong emphasis on the development of Christian virtues and an appreciation of beauty

It is our hope that our students will be able to proclaim the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Catholic faith as they encounter an increasingly dark and skeptical world that is so desperately in need of Jesus Christ.